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Pilot Projects
Three Parasport organisations implemented pilot projects around the topic of
E-Learning in Paracoaching and this is their story.


NPC Latvia

Starting point: Awareness

ParaSport: Table Tennis




NPC Latvia began their journey at the 'Awareness' stage where they were seeking to gain an understanding of E-Learning, how it could benefit their education programme, how they could include E-Learning without overspending and what the most effective form would be. 

Through the Xcellerator Project NPC Latvia took their first steps into E-Learning with a pilot project in the sport of Para-Tennis. Instructional videos were created and distributed via YouTube, a vital step in testing and understanding the types of materials and resources which would be most effective and yield the highest return on investment.


The experience gathered and the questions which arose formed the basis of a panel discussion which NPC Latvia used to reach out to their coaching community. The Coach Connector event was streamed online with input from experts in their field from Digital Platform Development, Parasports Coaching and Education and the wider parasports community. Zane Skujina, the project leader gave some insight into the organisation's plans for the future. 

"We will continue to develop e-learning in Para sports, but only in 1 to 3 sports, that can be easily explained and are more generic. After the conference, we had some thoughts about the potential future of e-learning platforms in Latvia and we came to the conclusion, that we do not have the budget, not the needed people to make an actual platform, but we could use alternative methods and clouds to put information in, for example, Vimeo or Youtube.  


So we will continue our work with our friends from table tennis - we have several videos, which can help to learn table tennis for those, who haven't done that before, and refresh knowledge for those, who have had an experience with this sport before. The next spot could be Sitting Volleyball. We will develop a timetable, which would help us to be in line with everything that has to be done, for example, we would have a plan of distributing the videos, a plan of filming frame etc."




Zane Skujina

NPC Latvia.


Parasport Denmark

Starting point: Getting Started
ParaSport: Para Swimming

Prior to their involvement in the Xcellerator Project, Parasport Denmark had already completed the 'Awareness' phase having scoped and strategised the development of E-Learning within their education programme. They had even gone as far as testing a platform to use for the delivery of online learning. The Xcellerator presented a good opportunity to begin their first phase of implementation. 

Parasport Denmark embarked on a six month long pilot programme working together with the sport of Para Swimming to develop the first blended learning (combination of online and offline education) that had been created. Furthermore, they charted and recorded their progress for others to learn via their Coach Connector workshop, whereby the discussion on the evolution of the programme, their attitude towards it and their reflections, were captured. 

"The Xccelerator Sessions, where different people offered experience and advice were very helpful in giving direction and making sure that we didn't get stuck in creating the ultimate course straight away but understood that this is a proceess that takes time and is achieved through many small steps. 

Unltimately the project allowed us to deliver the development of a blended learning course for trainers of paraswimmers. We are now developing a new general course and we have been able to use large parts from the paraswimmer course and also have used the technical knowledge on the platform that we aquired in the development of the blended learning course. We felt priviledged to have taken part and believe it will help us moving forward within the field of E-learning. "

Teis Gröflin Corneliussen

Parasport Denmark



International Federation
of CP Football

Starting point: Growth
ParaSport: CP Football

Having already established an online education platform, the International Federation of Cerebral Palsy Footall were seeking support in the growth and optimisation of their E-Learning offering. Training Ground provides the basis for the organinisations' activities in the field of online learning with entry level qualifications available. IFCPF invited coaches to contribute their thoughts and ideas to the development of education, including E-Learning via their Coach Connector event. 

Sam Turner


Sam Turner.jpg


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